Our Pastor

A word from our Pastor, the Reverend Janet B. Clark

       I grew up in Forty Fort, PA and attended Lycoming College where I obtained a Liberal Arts degree with a Major in Religion and a Minor in Music. After affirming a call to the ministry that I first felt in eighth grade, I attended Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC. It is there that I acquired two things: A Masters in Divinity and a husband! I am part of a clergy couple.  Doug is the pastor at Windsor UMC and we live in his parsonage in Windsor. We are the very proud parents of two great children who are now young adults: Elizabeth and Bryant.

      I have a great love for the arts. I play the piano and organ and have conducted a choir in every church I have served. In the past I have given piano lessons and have found music to be a wonderful way to connect people to God. I am a member of the Madrigal Choir of Binghamton and enjoy that musical outlet very much.

    One of my favorite places is our church camp Sky Lake. It is a place where I feel God’s presence and I believe in its ministry to reach people of all ages and walks of life. For 15 years I directed the Music Camp at Sky Lake. Now I enjoy co-hosting and serving as Chaplain for two retreats at Sky Lake: Ladies of the Lake in the fall and Rejuvenate in the Spring. Both offer a wonderful chance for women to get away at this lovely lakeside setting. I am also an artist and enjoy painting in oil and watercolors.  I even have an easel set up at church.

    I was appointed to Fairview UMC in July of 2010. I find this church to be warm and welcoming and eager to work together. Everywhere I look I see new growth and it is very exciting. We are a church that cares for each other and has developed a real heart for mission. It is a place where all people are welcome. If you do not have a church home, why not give us a try?   Please feel free to contact me fairviewpastor@aol.com or call 607-724-6886 if I can assist you in any way.

Blessings to you,

Pastor Jan

2 thoughts on “Our Pastor

  1. Penney Rahm

    Great website, Jan. I’d think about going there if i didn’t have to be somewhere else on Sunday morning and if I lived 250 miles closer. Give’m Jesus, my friend.

  2. Louise Disbro

    Greetings, Pastor Jan. I am so glad that you have come to our church. We have appreciated the times you have called on us, and all your many kindnesses. It is wonderful to see your enthusiasm for Christ and your calling. Thank you.
    And I very much enjoy the church website.
    With Christian love.

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